Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still Pondering the Debate

I started watching the debate as soon as I got home from taking trash to town. Yes, taking my maggot infested garbage was more important than watching the debate from the start. Here is where I got in; McCain saying he was going to give a $5000 tax credit for families to pay for insurance. Hmm, please do correct me, but didn´t he think that was unreasonable when Hillary had similar options, "it will never work" I remember hearing but this election is all such a blur, just the way politicians like it. I have no problem with him coming to new conclusions but, he should have given props to Clinton and not bagged that as his own idea. Believe me John, can I call you John since you think I am your "friend", no woman that would vote for Hillary would vote for you if she held true to her ideals. I used to think I´d vote for Hillary until Obama came along. Again, John, I´m not sticking with the vagina-factor on the ticket.

I loved the use of his colloquialisms: "We need a cool hand at tiller." This from "the Maverick" candidate, Mr. Independent. His speechwriters must think I don´t pay attention to what he is actually saying and forget Mr.Maverick and Mrs.Sparkles images portrayed outside of the realm of debate. Too many times did he say "I have the experience." Please don´t fall for that subliminal message. John, you are cavelier enough to say "Bomb, bomb, Iran", experience should have told you that was a moronic thing to say. Perhaps you were caught up in the exhilirating moment but I can see where your brand of experience is leading me. And as for your response; you were talking to veterans and if anyone doesn´t understand it then just get a life. I have a life John, I don´t want you in it. Just sayin´. Okay, back to debate issues though, I do get riled up.

McCain´s two top priorites:
1. National Security
2. Security for the men and women in the armed forces abroad
I suppose his interest in me is lumped into National Security but let me tell you, I feel safer abroad than in the good ole USA. I´m less afraid of terrorist on American soil than freaks, I mean fellow Americans, that like to hurt children, which I have three of and would kill the person that hurt them. Yes, for all my non-violence, I protect my kiddos like a tiger. So, where does my family fit into your priorities? In the future we will be forced to deal with Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China...uhh, the developing world. I don´t think a President that has sung his ditty to bomb could successfully protect National Security because you just made yourself a target, dumbass. Remember my eye for an eye brand of justice blog? Unfortunately politics operates on that failed method and "You betcha" Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will remember your trite 42 seconds and fuck the American public because you laughed. Thanks John, you´re a real wonder boy!

My last thought for the debates was "Which dude could I really have a conversation with? Which man is speaking to me? Which man would listen to me?" Break this down to which candidate is going to listen to people, period. John McCain says "I have experience, I can do this job." Sorry, you cannot do this job alone. In Obama I see a reasonable man willing to listen to people and seek advisors to help guide the country in the right direction, diplomacy. With McCain, I see this false representation of cowboy machoism that worked with Reagan (not so much for you John) the world is different now and this is not the wild west, no more shoot ´em up cowboy...let´s talk, like the civilized folks do. In the President I am not looking for the King of Everything, a "maverick". I´m looking for a person that sees himself as the leader for 300 million different voices and recognizes among all that chatter where we are fundamentally the same. If you don´t think Obama can accomplish this, hopefully we´ll talk in 4 years. I´m willing to risk it with him because I can´t take a risk with "McPalin".

Post Script: While listening to McCain, I noticed his subdued lyrical voice, very good, PERFECT for reading children´s stories and sleep inducement. Books on tape could be an option as a job for you Senator McCain.

Post Script Script: I´ve decided to call you Senator McCain because really, I´m not your friend, unless you read my blog, then I´ll consider it. You´re going to have to answer some tough questions from this mama, amigo. Can we go bi-lingual when we´re friends?

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