Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Skunk Funk

Here´s an update to what my week has been like. Sunday we went to the christening party for Lucinda Richards and it was lovely, out in the country the mountains still green and the sky...the sky is that beautiful blue you see in high altitude places. There was a trampolin, a playset, pony rides, an ice cream man, lots of food and a staffed bar. That is how I enjoy spending Sunday´s, invite me to all your functions! I promise to be vivacious and charming if you get my kids away from me, happily, and feed me. My bad move for the day though was the comment that my 38 year old mortal coil is starting to show signs of discomfort in places I didn´t know existed 3years ago. Oh, foershadowing in real life...

When I came home from the party I noticed just how much my kids work me, I feel like Cinderella some days. Do this, no you did it wrong, why don´t you listen to me...and this is my kids talking to me, not the other way around. The "mommy can you get me (fill in the blank)" is running me ragged. These children think they need a full time staff and I am one. I paid for those few hours of bliss because when we got home, I didn´t sit down until 9:30 when they were asleep, finally! That is when the constant twinge in my neck (it´s been there for 3 weeks) started to generate more pain so I went to bed.

About 3 am I wake up because there is this horrible smell in my nostrils, I feel like puking and I hear Frankie barking outside my bathroom. I go to the bathroom and realize I´ve left the window open and Frankie, our fearless canine protector, has picked a fight with a skunk. Great, it stinks like roadkill in my bathroom, can´t wait for the morning when Frankie comes inside the house to eat.

Monday morning at 6:40 I wake up, I can´t move my neck. Fabulous, this is really turning out to be the God-forsaken Monday. I push the snooze, wake up 20 minutes later and decide this is one of those days I´m opting for bed, even over the liberation of 3 kids at school. When you cannot turn your head to the left, it´s really best not to drive my sleepy brain told me. I passed out until around 9:30 am, the kids were saying "let´s go to school" and I said "I can´t turn my head we are not going anywhere until I have to get Martha at 2:15." Until then, I talk with Stephanie, schedule a massage in the afternoon, put a hot compress on my neck and lay vertical. Of course Frankie stinks like nobody´s business and the urge to vomit comes in waves. Lovely, it´s such a perfect day.

I went for my massage, which I scheduled remember, and was told when I arrived: "Oh I can´t do it right now, come back at 6pm". It was 4pm, I have 3 children at home 20 minutes away, hell no I am not coming back in 2 hours I need it now! So I take my business elsewhere, to the Jasmine Spa; where I am massaged, by a man no less and worked the multitude of knots out of my shoulders. By Tuesday I felt like I had been pommeled in the shoulder blades by many fists. And Frankie still had the skunk funk.

Lead us to today, my shoulders and neck are in a constant dull manageable ache. I´ve scheduled acupuncture for next week and am really not looking foward to needles 3 days in a row. The kids have come home telling me how the maestro/as are looking for piojos (maybe I spelled it correctly, in any case it´s lice) in their hair and I am less than enthused. On a good note, our Pediatrician told us a few years ago lice only enjoy clean heads, which exempts my children because they love to roll in the dirt and go to bed dirty...frankly I´m cool with that. So no lice yet, just in case I´m keeping them extra dirty for a few weeks. On a really positive note, Richard is in Houston, gainfully employed, Houston is so much closer than Indianapolis and apparently in much better economic shape, he said the malls are packed with people. How is that possible? Oh, town of oil moguls, the rest of the country cannot afford Cartier anymore.

Meanwhile in finishing this blog, my children have gone from playful wrestling to eye for an eye justice which signals to me, I have to go and have yet another philosophical conversation. You would think my kids would get so tired of my pontificating they would stop practicing this brand of "justice". To the under 8 crowd, a punch must still be so exhilirating you can tune out your mother´s wrath.
An exciting week so far!

P.S. Frankie still stinks, when does the skunk funk go away?


BettyDuffy said...

Our whole family LOVES skunk smell. Pass a skunk on the road and everyone breathes deeply. Maybe it's just fresh skunk we like--I've heard it takes a couple weeks to go away completely.

Elizabeth said...

it´s the sachet kitty you like, my father loved to say that after skunk road kill. but that smell dissipates. the skunk spray lingered in my romm, for days. not so nice.