Wednesday, August 6, 2008

To Be Grateful For Today...

legos on a king size sheet, children's laughter shaking the trees, playdates and sleepovers, a herd of brahma cows and baby goats eating our grass, shepherd boys, water, take out pizza, the absence of voices, wind kissing trees, bumble bees buzzing, dripping flowers, pink and brown dog licking my toe, crescent moon, house lights blinking across the lake, moonlight turning water silver, my children, my husband, being alive!

What are you grateful for this day my friend?


godfather said...

Lumber of mind and of wood so's i can create.
The tools that inspire in said creation:
lifelong friendz, the kidz and family!

Jus said...

clean basements, baby pouts, eight-year-old observations, airconditioning, babies staying babies for one more day, garden abundance, boy energy, and COFFEE!

Unknown said...

YOU - I am thankful for YOU!

Unknown said...

I meant Grateful (and Thankful too) ~ I'm Grateful for YOU!