Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Short List of Happiness

Can I just tell you all that I love blogging, this is as close as it gets to memoir writing for me. The downside is that I like to get heavy and bitchy and then no one wants to visit my blog to see how I´m doing. So I have welcomed some sunshine into my life to reverse the possible opinion that I am morose.

Sunshine point #1: My kids go to school on Monday, all of them. Soon the wacky world of Waldorf will recommence. During the first festival of the season last year there was a game where the kids could jump over a campfire. WOW! Can´t wait for that activity again.

Moonlight point #1: Three sleeping children. I can hear the crickets and frogs, moths beating their wings in a frantic search for light, and a pesky mosquito in my ear. I do not hear any chickens though, am I really in Mexico? The frosting on this nocturnal cake...watching Darjeeling Limited without Roarke constantly saying "I like the guys on the train, they´re funny mommy.he-he-he-he-he!"

Sunshine point #2: Watching an eagle catch thermals over our house with Miss Isabel. The wing span was around 5 feet, but then my spatial skills suck, it was a large eagle, I´ll leave it at that. We have lots of yummy mice and snakes to eat so help yourself Majestic Eagle and keep coming back, we think you´re really cool!

Moonlight point #2: Seeing Tom Robbins in a small auditorium with friends. Mr. Tom Robbins spoke of his love for the language of the story, our interconnectedness with all things, and the utmost importance of the goofiness in life. Tom also warns against mediocrity in writing, it is a hairball from a poisoness cat, best to be avoided. While I cannot promise stunning metaphors like Tom Robbins, I promise to spark laughter or action in your three pound universe.

There it is a short list of my happiness over the past two days; they were days that tasted like homemade chocolate brownies with extra chocolate chips, so gooey I had to keep licking my fingers.

1 comment:

godfather said...

Elizabeth, reading your memoirs(blog)is one of my daily enlightenment's! Every post is special to me! Whether they consist of upsides, downsides or the occasional rant. They're all good!

Please don't change a thing?

Peace, Love and many rays of sunshine!