Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Angry Ex-Patriate Here!

Today, I was talking with our maid Martha (pronounced Marta)and I am really angry at my country, the good ol' U.S.A., this is why:

Martha's sister lives in Texas, legally I want to add, her sister has lived in Dallas for 8 years, she works for a company that exports clothes from Mexico to the States and is bi-lingual. Martha's sister (I don't know her name) is going to have her first baby in August, how exciting! I asked Martha if their mom and dad are able to go visit the Texas sister, she told me no. Of course I ask "por que?" because if it's money, I'll start a fund-raiser for them. But no, the answer is not money,the answer is Martha's parents can't get a visa.

well,I looked at the exchange rate for the dollar versus the peso, the dollar is the weaker of the two currencies, surprise, surprise. Well, this is a surprise to most Americans living here. Our family came here because yes, it was less expensive but there is a quality of life here that we do not have in the states. Here is where my anger starts, this country, Mexico, which most people in the states consider to be a third world economy, has a stronger financial base than the U.S. right now and probably in the years to come also! Why can Martha's parents not get a visa to visit their grandchild? Matha's mama and papa don't even want to live in the states, who would right now, an idiot is running the country and has driven a once strong country and strong economy into the ground. Meanwhile around the world other countries look at Americans with scorn. What are Americans so afraid of? Why can't my maid's parents visit the States for one week, American has ceased to become the shizzle-dizzle. If someone can answer this question please do!

Finally,I come to my most vehement of rants, let me say I did not vote for G.W. because I was afraid of what his politics would do to my country. And now the writing is on the wall, George the II has tanked us, you and me the middle class folk and I am pissed beyond belief at him, his cronies and the people that paid him into office. Why aren't we as Americans holding G.W. accountable for this disaster, indeed global disaster? Our forefathers are turning in their graves while the American public sits almost catatonic, unable to believe the situation we are all in.

To my friends and family that read this, I know some of you pulled the republican lever twice for him and I love you, but I am angry at him and his inattention to what the public needs. We aren't personal friends of the Pres, but "we the people" are the greatest asset of the United States and yet our politicians largely do not feel accountable to us! This is so grossly negligent that the call for revolution should be on all of our lips, why have we lost our collective voice for change?

1 comment:

godfather said...

Dennis Miller would be proud.