Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New visas, 9 hours in a car and Target in Texas

So, because I hate filing paperwork our family of so-called "ex-patriates" (though I don't remember divorcing my country, just G.W. Bush) must leave Mexico every six months to renew our visas. The price of airline tickets decided for us that we would just go to Target, I mean Texas, to get our visas. Oh Good Lord!! How I dislike being stuck in a car with 1,2,3 whiners for 9 hours. How many of you have ever driven into the United States from Mexico? It sucks, even with your passport from the U.S. the border patrol assumes you are up to no-good. When did travel between countries become so...looking for a word...can't find a word, ah ha, such a subject for animosity? Aren't we all on the same team, which is the human team not the "American" or "Mexican" team? Well, moving to today.

Currently we are hanging out in the Hampton Inn in Laredo, Texas, woohoo, good times!
The pool here is closed for cleaning, the skies are grey from Hurrican Dolly casting her shadow over southern Texas and at 10:30 last night the heat index was a steamy 94degrees. At this point I am going to become the whiner. Wahhhhhh, I want to go home! I don't want to be stuck in this room anymore and I don't want to go back to Target with 3 kids again, carts for multiple children are not meant for their skinny aisles or Roarke ("hehe I'm Indiana Jones, look here's my whip!" [the whip incidentally is at the front end of my limo-cart on the bottom rack and is a piece of black plastic about two inches long, no I'm not exaggerating!]). Will this trip be worth saving $3000+ in airfare? That will all depend on how great the clearance deals are at Target and if I find a good thrift store!

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