Do you see Richard and I are the only one´s clearly happy to be visting the Basilica in Mexico City. They even have the bus that Pope John Paul II rode in cordened off there! We thought it would be the bus to take us to the top of the hill where Juan Diego encountered Guadalupe. Sadly we were wrong and our kids didn´t understand why there was a perfectly good bus sitting there not moving. Notice the scorn in the faces of the señoras, it´s okay, I´ve grown accustomed to it. my kids will never be clean enough, bathed properly enough, hair brushed just so, it´s like being with your mother-in-law. Only she doesn´t speak the same language and she doesn´t live with you so really, who cares! The non-religious, spiritual person that I am, I pray to Guadalupe daily. The mother of all mother´s...I came to discover Mexico and the patron mother at the time in my life I really needed it. Again, how do I get so lucky these innocent gifts keep falling in my lap?
P.S. Betty, I am not moving back until I have to, thankfully that isn´t right now. Let Guadalupe work whatever miracles she wants.
Tell the kidz I'll trade places with them. They can come here and work and I'll go there and be happy to visit Guadalupe and pose on youse guyz lap. :)
what a sweet little family!
That's OK, Biz. If we can't drink G an T on your front porch on Shannon, then you just stay there and keep praying to Guad. I can't think of anything better.
Incidently, Joe and I visited that very hill on our honeymoon. Incredible for you to be there on the feast of Our Lady and Juan Diego! Paint me green.
We city folk were having a OLoG Fiesta here in Indy. I would have rather been there to carry a disappointed kido up the hill and then drank a dos xx from one the cantinas. Our Lady has a way of escorting us all where we need to be, I guess. Congrats on the trip and on the life, looks fun.
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